Extract Substring In Bash

Linux bash is used to run complex commands or scripts to accomplish different tasks. Bash is generally used to work with different types of string and string data. One of the most popular operations is extracting substrings using the bash command line interface. In this tutorial, we examine how to extract substring in bash.

Extract Substring Using cut Command

The cut command can be used to extract a substring from a string. The -c option is used to specify the start and end index numbers for the substring. In the following example, we extract the string between 2-5 for the string “Ilovelinuxtect”.

$ cut -c 2-5 "Ilovelinuxtect"

Extract Substring Using awk Command

The awk command can be also used to extract substring in bash. The substring statement is used to extract from a string.

$ awk '{print substr($0,3,3)}' <<< 'Ilovelinuxtect'

Extract Substring Using Substring Expansion

The echo command is used to print a given string in bash. But we can also use the echo command to extract a substring.

$ MYSTR="Ilovelinuxtect"
$ echo ${MYSTR:2:5}
Extract Substring Using Substring Expansion

Extract Substring Using expr Command

The expr command can be also used to extract substring. The substr command is used to extract substring with a start index and length information.

$ expr substr "Ilovelinuxtect" 5 5

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