Linux strace Command Tutorial

Linux strace command is used to debug and troubleshoot commands and executables by providing detailed information about the process execution. The strace command simply intercepts and records the system calls called by process or threads.

Install strace Command

The strace command is installed by default for some popular Linux distributions by default. But in some cases of software selections, it may not be installed by default. The strace can be installed for Ubuntu, Debian, Mint, Kali, Fedora, CentOS, and RHEL like below.

Ubuntu, Debian, Mint, Kali:

$ sudo apt install strace

Fedora, CentOS, RHEL:

$ sudo dnf install strace

strace Help Information

As a low-level command, the strace provides a lot of features and related helpful information. The -h option can be used to list help information.

$ strace -h
strace Help Information

Trace Linux Command System Calls

The command we want to troubleshoot or debug is provided as a parameter to the strace command. The command may also have options that can be also added to the command. The syntax of the strace command for trace command is like below.

  • STRACE_PARAMETERS is zero or more parameters belonging to strace command.
  • COMMAND is the command we want to trace.
  • COMMAND_PARAMETERS is zero or more parameters belonging to COMMAND.

In the following example, we trace the ls command which also has the option -l .

$ strace ls -l
Trace Linux Command System Calls

From the output, we can see that every system call is listed with the related information and system call parameters.

Trace Running Process with Process ID

Another useful feature of the strace command is the ability to attach to an existing or running process and debug it. In order to trace a running process, the process ID should be provided with the -p option to the strace command. If the process is owned by other than the current user the sudo should be used to get the required privileges. In the following example, we debug the process with ID 956758

$ sudo strace -p 956758

If the process is owned by the current user we can omit the sudo like below.

$ strace -p 956758

List Summary and Syscalls For A Process

The strace generates a lot of output related to system calls like time percentage, time as seconds, call count, etc. All of the can be listed in a summarized way as a table with the -c option like below.

$ strace -c ls -l
% time     seconds  usecs/call     calls    errors syscall
------ ----------- ----------- --------- --------- ----------------
 23.91    0.008719          54       159           write
 22.88    0.008346          46       179       179 getxattr
 18.73    0.006832          43       158       158 lgetxattr
 18.45    0.006728          42       158           statx
  3.66    0.001336          38        35        17 openat
  2.18    0.000795          33        24           close
  2.08    0.000759          31        24           newfstatat
  1.81    0.000661          18        35           mmap
  1.28    0.000466          29        16           read
  1.23    0.000449          56         8           mprotect
  0.54    0.000196          49         4         4 connect
  0.52    0.000190          47         4           socket
  0.40    0.000146          73         2           getdents64
  0.35    0.000129          43         3           lseek
  0.29    0.000106          53         2           munmap
  0.26    0.000095          47         2         2 statfs
  0.21    0.000078          39         2           ioctl
  0.21    0.000076          25         3           brk
  0.21    0.000075          37         2           rt_sigaction
  0.14    0.000051          25         2         1 arch_prctl
  0.13    0.000046          46         1           prlimit64
  0.12    0.000043          21         2         1 access
  0.11    0.000040          40         1           futex
  0.10    0.000038          38         1           rt_sigprocmask
  0.10    0.000037          37         1           set_robust_list
  0.10    0.000036          36         1           set_tid_address
  0.00    0.000000           0         6           pread64
  0.00    0.000000           0         1           execve
------ ----------- ----------- --------- --------- ----------------
100.00    0.036473          43       836       362 total

Print Instruction Pointer For System Call

The strace command can print the instruction pointer for every system call. The -i option is used to add instruction pointer information in every instruction call at the start of the output line.

$ strace -i ls -l
Print Instruction Pointer For System Call

Show Time Information for Trace Output

The strace can also display time information like hour:minute:second for every system call. The -t option is used to display time information for every call like below.

$ strace -t ls -l
Show Time Information for Trace Output

Display Time Spent for System Calls

Every system call uses some time from the CPU time. This time spent information for the CPU time can be displayed with the -T option like below.

$ strace -t ls -l

Trace Specific System Calls

One of the most powerful features of the strace is the ability to trace specific system calls. This helps a lot in the troubleshooting process as only interested system calls can be listed. :In the following example we only trace the openat system call. The -e trace= option is used to specify the system call we want to trace.

$ strace -e trace=openat ls -l
Trace Specific System Calls

Save Trace Output To A File

The strace command creates a lot of output as every system call is printed by default. This output can be stored into a file that stays the terminal clean and able to read or investigate output later. The -o option is used to store strace output into a file where the file name is also provided. In the following example, we store the strace output into a file named ls_debug.txt file.

$ strace -o ls_debug.txt ls -l

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