What Will Happen When Delete Root File System with “rm -Rf /”?

What Will Happen When Delete Root File System with "rm -Rf /"?

The Linux geeks talk about the Linux file system structure its benefits and advantages over other operating system file systems etc. The Linux uses the root or / as the file system root and layout files and folders under this in a structural manner. Linux mostly used with commands like mkdir, rm, etc. But you … Read more

Linux rm Command Tutorial

Linux rm Command Tutorial

rm command is the ultimate tool used to remove/delete files and directories in Linux distributions. The rm command is provided by all Linux distributions like Ubuntu, Debian, Mint, Kali, CentOS, RHEL, Fedora. There are alternatives to the rm command like rmdir but it provides only removal of the directories. rm Command Syntax rm command has … Read more

How To Remove/Delete Directories In Linux?

How To Remove/Delete Directories In Linux?

Directories are used to store other directories of files. A directory can be even empty. Linux provides different commands in order to delete directory or directories. Command-line or GUI file managers can be used to delete or remove directories in Linux. In this tutorial, we will examine rm, rmdir, find commands alongside Nautilus File Manager … Read more