How To Find Large Files In Linux?

Linux is a file-based operating system that contains a lot of files of different sizes. During daily usage, a lot of files are created or downloaded by systems or users. This consumes a lot of disk space which results in storage errors and warnings. We can search and find big or large files using different … Read more

Linux egrep Command Tutorial

Linux egrep Command Tutorial

The egrep command is an extended version of the grep command. The egrep name comes from the Extended Global Regular Expression Print . The egrep command simply searches single or multiple specified files for a specific pattern which can be also a Regular Expression. The egrep command is the grep -E implementation where the -E … Read more

How To Find Directory In Linux?

How To Find Directory In Linux?

Linux provides different tools or command in order to search and find directories. The find command is the most popular and useful command to find directories in Linux. The find command can be used to search and find directories according to the path, name, name pattern, and related parameters. In this tutorial, we examine how … Read more

How To Count Files In Directory On Linux?

How To Count Files In Directory On Linux?

Linux system administrator may require to get a count of the files for a specific path which can be the current working directory or another path. There are different ways to count files of a directory where the files can be counted recursively or for the only specified directory. Count Files with find Command The … Read more

Linux find Command Tutorial

Linux find Command Tutorial

Linux provides the find command in order to find files and directories. The find command is executed via the command line interface and it is also provided by the Unix and other related Unix-based operating systems. The find command can be used to search files and folders according to their names, creation date, modification date, … Read more

How To Change Folder and Subfolder Permissions In Linux?

How To Change Folder and Subfolder Permissions In Linux?

Permissions are an important part of Linux security and folders are used with different permissions to protect them. Linux provides read, write and execute permissions by default for files and folders. there are different ways and commands to change folder and subfolder permissions. The defacto command is chmod command which changes the read, write and … Read more

How To Remove (Delete) Symbolic Links In Linux?

How To Remove (Delete) Symbolic Links In Linux?

A symbolic link is a file that redirects into another file or folder. Symbolic links also called shortcuts in Windows operating system. Symbolic links provide the ability to put a single file or directory into multiple locations without copying. Symbolic links do not contain actual data where only provides a link to the actual data … Read more

Find Files In Linux From Command Line

Find Files In Linux From Command Line

Linux is a very flexible operating system that provides different commands and ways to find files. As a command-line-based operating system, Linux provides a very powerful command named find in order to find files according to the different aspects. In this tutorial, we will examine how to find files according to their names, sizes, locations, … Read more

How To Remove/Delete Directories In Linux?

How To Remove/Delete Directories In Linux?

Directories are used to store other directories of files. A directory can be even empty. Linux provides different commands in order to delete directory or directories. Command-line or GUI file managers can be used to delete or remove directories in Linux. In this tutorial, we will examine rm, rmdir, find commands alongside Nautilus File Manager … Read more