How To Force Delete Directory In Linux?

The rmdir command is used to delete directories in Linux. The rmdir command simply removes or deletes an empty directory but does not work with non-empty directories. If we try to remove a non-empty directory in Linux with the rmdir command we get an error like below. Force Delete Directory with rm Command We should … Read more

Linux rmdir Command Tutorial

The Linux operating system provides the rmdir command in order to remove directories. But there is an important point where the rmdir command can only delete an empty directory. If a directory has some files it can not be deleted with the rmdir command. The rmdir name comes from Remove Directory . Remove Empty Directory … Read more

What is “alias ls=’sudo rm -rf ~/*'”?

Linux bash provides the alias keyword in order to as command shortcuts and easily run them without typing complex commands. The rm -rf command is used to remove or delete all files and directories. As you expect the alias ls=’sudo rm -rf~/*’ command creates a shortcut with the ls name which deletes all current user’s … Read more

Recover Files Deleted with “rm -rf” Command

The rm command is used to remove files and directories in Linux, Unix, and macOS systems. The rm -rf command is used to delete files and folders recursively and forcibly. The files and directories deleted with the rm command are not put into the trash or recycle bin which makes them very hard to recover … Read more

Linux “rm -rf” Command

Linux distributions provide the rm command in order to remove files and directories. The rm command provides a different option which rm -rf is one of the most popular of them. By default, the rm command without any option does not delete a directory with contents. But the “rm -rf” command is used to delete … Read more

How To Force Remove Directory In Linux?

Linux provides the rmdir command in order to delete a directory. But while using the rmdir command we may get an error like “rmdir: failed to remove ‘nmap’: Directory not empty”. This is caused by a non-empty directory that contains child directories and files. But we can remove this directory by forcing removal with different … Read more

Delete/Remove File In Linux

Delete/Remove File In Linux

Files can be removed or deleted by using different commands in Linux. The removal of the file deletes related file system information from the file system table. While deleting a file there are different ways like prompt deletion, display verbose output, etc. Delete/Remove File with rm Command The rm command is a defacto command to … Read more

How To Remove (Delete) Symbolic Links In Linux?

How To Remove (Delete) Symbolic Links In Linux?

A symbolic link is a file that redirects into another file or folder. Symbolic links also called shortcuts in Windows operating system. Symbolic links provide the ability to put a single file or directory into multiple locations without copying. Symbolic links do not contain actual data where only provides a link to the actual data … Read more

Delete Non-Empty Directory In Linux – “rmdir directory not empty” Solution

Delete Non-Empty Directory In Linux - "rmdir directory not empty" Solution

The rmdir command is used to remove directories in Linux operating system. But when we try to use the rmdir command to remove the specified directory we get the “rmdir directory not empty” error. In order to remove a non-empty directory, what should I do? Can I use the rmdir in order to remove a … Read more