Linux pwd Command Tutorial

Linux pwd Command Tutorial

Linux and Unix operating systems provide the pwd command which prints the full pathname of the current working directory. The pwd name comes from print working directory . As a simple command is provided few options. the pwd command is provided as a shell built-in command for most of the shells like Bourne shell, bash, … Read more

How To Create Directories/Folders In Linux?

How To Create Directories/Folders In Linux?

Directories or Folders are used to store files and folders. Directories can be created from GUI by using a desktop environment and application or command-line interface commands. In this tutorial, we will learn how to create directories in Linux. This tutorial can be used for all major Linux distributions like Ubuntu, Debian, Mint, Kali, CentOS, … Read more

Linux cd Command Tutorial with Examples

Linux cd Command Tutorial with Examples

The cd command is used to change the current working directory and navigate between different directories. The cd is the short form of the change directory term. The cd command is one of the most used commands in Linux. cd Command Syntax The cd command has the following simple syntax. Current Working Directory Before starting … Read more

How To Change Directory In Linux?

How To Change Directory In Linux?

Linux provides different ways and commands in order to change the current working directory. Changing directory is especially important while working on the command line or terminal but also used with GUI applications. In this tutorial, we will talk about “How To Change Directory In Linux?”. Instructions described in this tutorial can be used for … Read more