Install Deb Files In Ubuntu

Ubuntu is one of the most popular Linux distributions with its packages. Ubuntu uses the deb packages in order to install software and tools. The deb packages contain binaries, documentation, libraries, and configurations of the application. The Ubuntu distribution uses the deb package in order to manage and install the software. We can install the deb package in different ways like Ubuntu Software Center, dpkg command and apt command, etc.

Install Deb File with dpkg Command (Command Line)

The dpkg command is the official command in order to manage deb packages. We can use the dpkg command in order to install deb files. The -i option is provided to the dpkg command with the package path to install the deb package. As the package installation is an administrator operation we should provide the sudo command for administrator privileges.

$ sudo dpkg -i google-chrome-stable_current_amd64.deb
Install Deb File with dpkg Command (Command Line)

Install Deb File with apt Command (Command Line)

The apt command is used to install packages via the repositories in Ubuntu. We can also use the apt command in order to install deb packages in the Ubuntu distribution. The install is provided to the apt command with the deb package.

$ sudo apt install google-chrome-stable_current_amd64.deb

Alternatively, we can provide the complete path in order to install the deb package like below.

$ sudo apt install /home/ismail/google-chrome-stable_current_amd64.deb

Install Deb File with Software Center

Ubuntu distributions provide different software management tools with a GUI. The Software Center is the default tool to manage software and packages via GUI. We can use the Software Center in order to install a deb package. First, we open the file explorer and right-click on the deb package like below. Then click to the Open with other application or if listed Open with Software Center .

In the following screen select the Software Install and click to the Select button.

The Software Center has opened the package and is read it. the information about the package is displayed. We can click on the Install install deb package. This action may require the sudo password to install deb package successfully.

Install deb wit Software Center

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