How To Install Deb Package via Command Line Interface?

The Deb package is used to install software for Linux distributions like Debian, Ubuntu, Mint, Kali etc. These distributions are called deb-based distributions as their default package management system is based on deb packages. The deb packages can be installed via the command line interface by using different commands and package managers which provide the … Read more

Install Deb Files In Ubuntu

Ubuntu is one of the most popular Linux distributions with its packages. Ubuntu uses the deb packages in order to install software and tools. The deb packages contain binaries, documentation, libraries, and configurations of the application. The Ubuntu distribution uses the deb package in order to manage and install the software. We can install the … Read more

How To List Installed Packages In Ubuntu?

How To List Installed Packages In Ubuntu?

Ubuntu is a popular Linux distribution that uses *.deb packages. The package management can be done via different ways or tools like apt, apt-get, dpkg, GUI Package manager, etc. You may ask how can you list installed packages in Ubuntu for different cases by using different tools. List Installed Packages with apt Command The apt … Read more

How To Install .deb Packages (GUI& Command Line)?

How To Install .deb Packages (GUI& Command Line)?

Linux distributions like Debian, Ubuntu, Mint, Kali, etc. uses .deb packages in order to install new software. These .deb packages can be provided via different ways like a central repository, file server, USB, web page, etc. After acquiring a .deb package it should be installed into the current system. Even in most cases, centralized package … Read more