Linux watch Command Tutorial

Linux watch Command Tutorial

Linux provides the watch command in order to run specified commands at the specified periods regularly. The specified command is executed over and over again at the specified intervals and the output is generally printed to the terminal. We can run the disk, process, memory-related commands to monitor them regularly by using the watch command. … Read more

Linux Bash Reading File Tutorial

Linux Bash Reading File Tutorial

Bahs is the most popular shell for Linux distributions and provides different ways and commands to read a file from the command-line interface. Bash can be used to read a file and process it in different ways by using different commands. The file can be a text file or a binary no matter what type … Read more

Shebang #! Tutorial In Linux Bash

Shebang #! Tutorial In Linux Bash

In computing and Linux the shebang is a character sequence that consists of # and ! . Simply the shebang is expressed as “#!”. The shebang is also called sha-bang, hashbang, pound-bang, and hash-pling. The shebang is used to specify an interpreter for script files. Linux is popular with its script files and scripting languages … Read more

How To Create and Run Bash Script?

How To Create and Run Bash Script?

Bash is a Unix and Linux shell and command interface language. The bash was released in 1989 with the GNU project. The Bash became popular with Linux and related distributions like Ubuntu, Debian, CentOS, RHEL, etc. Bash provides a very useful command-line interface with complete scripting language features. Linux commands can be executed via the … Read more

How To Cat EOF For Multi-Line String In Linux Bash?

How To Cat EOF For Multi-Line String In Linux Bash?

The cat command is used to put given content to the specified output. If the content is a multiline string, text, or script putting it directly from the command line is a bit tedious. the “Here Documents” can be used to put content to the specified file in an interactive way. The cat, EOF, << … Read more

What Is sh Shell In Linux?

What Is sh Shell In Linux?

Linux is a command-line operating system. As a command-line or shell-based operating system, it provides a different shell in order to use, manage and execute commands. The sh is a popular term and shortcut used to describe the Bourne shell in Linux. Bourne shell is a very simple shell that is provided with most of … Read more

Make Bash Shell Safe with “set -euxo pipefail”

Make Bash Shell Safe with "set -euxo pipefail"

Linux Bash provides the scripting capabilities which is very familiar with programming languages. By using the Bash shell complex applications can be developed. For example, years ago a lot of CGI web applications are developed with the Linux Bash scripting language. But while developing bash scripts there are a lot of pitfalls because it is … Read more

Linux Bash exec Command Tutorial

Linux Bash exec Command Tutorial

Linux Bash shell provides the exec command in order to create a new process for the provided command and replace it with the current bash shell process. The exec command derived from the bash low-level exec() method. The exec command executes provided command with the provided arguments. exec Command Syntax The bash exec command has … Read more

How To Run Shell Script (.sh File) In Linux?

How To Run Shell Script (.sh File) In Linux?

The Bash and Bash Shell is the main management component for the Linux systems. Commands run on bash in order to complete tasks or jobs. These commands can be stored in a file which is called a shell script. The shell script is used to run single or more commands by just calling the shell … Read more