How To Check/Find OpenSSL Version?

How To Check/Find OpenSSL Version?

The OpenSSL is an open-source library that provides cryptographic functions and implementations. OpenSSL is a defacto library for cryptography-related operations and is used by a lot of different applications. OpenSSL is provided as a library and application. OpenSSL provides functions and features like SSL/TLS, SHA1, Encryption, Decryption, AES, etc. Find OpenSSL Version The OpenSSL provides … Read more

How To Install OpenSSL Libraries On Ubuntu, Debian, Mint?

How To Install OpenSSL Libraries On Ubuntu, Debian, Mint?

OpenSSL libraries are required to build OpenSSL-based applications. While trying to build by using gcc with openssl library and function the -lssl option is used. But you may get an error like “foo.cpp:21:25: error: openssl/bio.h: No such file or directory” which means the openssl library can not be found or not installed. In this tutorial, … Read more