How To Generate Random Number In Bash Linux?

How To Generate Random Number In Bash Linux?

Linux bash provides different ways to generate random numbers. Random numbers can be used for different cases like security, selection, generating random content, etc. Linux bash can be used to generate random numbers by using the operating system devices, commands, etc. Using the $RANDOM Environment Variable The bash shell provides the $RANDOM environment variable which … Read more

How To Check/Find OpenSSL Version?

How To Check/Find OpenSSL Version?

The OpenSSL is an open-source library that provides cryptographic functions and implementations. OpenSSL is a defacto library for cryptography-related operations and is used by a lot of different applications. OpenSSL is provided as a library and application. OpenSSL provides functions and features like SSL/TLS, SHA1, Encryption, Decryption, AES, etc. Find OpenSSL Version The OpenSSL provides … Read more

How To Install OpenSSL Libraries On Ubuntu, Debian, Mint?

How To Install OpenSSL Libraries On Ubuntu, Debian, Mint?

OpenSSL libraries are required to build OpenSSL-based applications. While trying to build by using gcc with openssl library and function the -lssl option is used. But you may get an error like “foo.cpp:21:25: error: openssl/bio.h: No such file or directory” which means the openssl library can not be found or not installed. In this tutorial, … Read more

The “error command gcc failed with exit status 1” Error and Solution

The "error command gcc failed with exit status 1" Error and Solution

The “error command gcc failed with exit status 1” error is a very common error that is mainly related to the GCC compilation and required libraries. This error text is longer than this. The remaining part expresses the specific application name or libraries. In this tutorial, we examine how to find the error cause and … Read more