Delta RPMs disabled because /usr/bin/applydeltarpm not installed” Error and Solution

The RPM package format is used to store software and related metadata for software installation. The Delta RPM is used to transfer only changed parts of the packages in order to save bandwidth and speed up the download of the RPM packages. For example, if there is a very small change in an RPM package … Read more

Install Local RPM with yum Command

The yum command is created to manage, install, update and remove RPM-based packages in an automated way. By default, the yum command uses online repositories to download RPM packages and install them with their dependencies. But the yum command can be also used to install RPM packages locally without the need for the internet. Install … Read more

How To Install RPM Packages In Ubuntu?

Ubuntu is a popular Linux distribution that is used by end users and enterprises. The RPM package format is a popular Linux packaging format used to manage, install, update and uninstall packages in a Linux system. Ubuntu uses the DEB packages via the apt, dpkg, or apt-get commands which is an alternative to the RPM … Read more

Rpm Uninstall Package Tutorial

The RPM packages are used to manage, install, update, and uninstall different software into Linux distributions. The rpm command can be used to uninstall a package that is already installed into the current Linux distribution. List Installed RPM Packages Before uninstalling the RPM package it can be useful to list existing or installed RPM packages. … Read more

How To Install RPM Files In CentOS?

CentOs is a popular operating system which is based on Red Hat. Like RedHat, CentOS uses the rpm package type in order to manage, install, update, and remove packages in an operating system. We can install RPM files by using different commands like rpm, dnf, or yum in the CentOS distribution. In this tutorial, we … Read more