How To Change User Group In Linux?

How To Change User Group In Linux?

Linux users are assigned to different groups to get different permissions. A single user may have single or multiple groups. In this tutorial, we examine how to change user groups in Linux operating system. Linux Group Types There are two types of Linux Groups. First is the primary group which is generally the same as … Read more

How To Change User Full Name In Linux?

How To Change User Full Name In Linux?

Linux distributions stores different information about the user accounts. The User Full Name is also stored for the users and located inside the /etc/passwd file. The user’s full name is requested during user account creation. But it can be changed later in different ways. The user’s full name can be changed via a command-line interface … Read more

Remove All Containers In Docker

Remove All Containers In Docker

Containers are an easy way to run some applications in a lightweight way. A lot of containers are created in daily usage and we may need to remove these containers. In this tutorial, we examine how to remove all containers. List All Containers Before removing all containers we can list all containers by using the … Read more

ps Command In Linux with Examples

ps Command In Linux with Examples

Linux is a multi tasking and multi user operating system which can be run multiple processes at the same time. In order to accomplish these Linux can run multiple processes at the same time with different purposes, features, owners etc. The ps command is used to list processes in different ways. the ps command can … Read more

How To Create Linux Alias for Two Commands?

How To Create Linux Alias for Two Commands?

Linux alias is used to create an alias for the Linux commands with their options or parameters. The alias is generally used for a single command but there is no restriction on the command count. We can use the Linux alias to create an alias for two or more commands or simply multiple commands. Create … Read more

Where Is The Alias File In Linux For Persistency?

Where Is The Alias File In Linux?

The Linux alias is used to create shortcuts or short forms for the commands. The alias makes a command with options easy to call without remembering all details. If you set an alias but this alias is not saved and cleared after reboots you should use the shell configuration file in order to save the … Read more

How To Exclude Directories with Grep?

How To Exclude Directories with Grep?

The Linux grep command is used to search and filter files and folders for the specified search term or regex pattern. One of the powerful features of the grep command is the ability to search multiple directories recursively. Even though it is a good feature in some cases we may need to exclude some directories … Read more

How To Untar Files In Linux?

How To Untar Files In Linux?

The *.tar is a popular archive format used to compress files in Linux and Unix operating systems. The tar format is used with different compression algorithms like gz, bz2, etc. The most important function of the tar format is the ability to store multiple files and directories as a single file where it can be … Read more