How To “mkdir” Only If Directory Not Exist In Linux?

How To "mkdir" Only If Directory Not Exist In Linux?

Linux mkdir command is used to create directories. The mkdir command creates directories that don’t exist. But in some cases, the directory may already exist where we do not want to create or recreate the directory. You may ask how can I accomplish this if the directory exists does not run mkdir command? Directory Existince … Read more

Recursive mkdir Command In Linux

Recursive mkdir Command In Linux

The mkdir command is used to create folders or directories in the Linux operating system. By default, one-level directories or folders can be created and child folders cannot be created with a single command. But to make things easier and faster the mkdir command provides the -p option in order to create multiple parent and … Read more

Linux Bash sort Command Tutorial

Linux Bash sort Command Tutorial

Linux bash provides a lot of useful commands where the sort command is one of them. As its name suggests the sort command is used to sort different content from a file, command, device in different ways. The default behavior of the sort command is sorting provided content from a to Z in ASCII format. … Read more

How To List and Display Cron Jobs In Linux?

How To List and Display Cron Jobs In Linux?

Cron Job is used to execute and run different applications, scripts, commands, and tasks at the specified time and intervals in Linux distributions. List and Display Current User Cron Jobs with crontab Command The crontab is the official command in order to manage cron jobs. The crontab command can be also used to list and … Read more

How To Install OpenSSL Libraries On Ubuntu, Debian, Mint?

How To Install OpenSSL Libraries On Ubuntu, Debian, Mint?

OpenSSL libraries are required to build OpenSSL-based applications. While trying to build by using gcc with openssl library and function the -lssl option is used. But you may get an error like “foo.cpp:21:25: error: openssl/bio.h: No such file or directory” which means the openssl library can not be found or not installed. In this tutorial, … Read more

The “error command gcc failed with exit status 1” Error and Solution

The "error command gcc failed with exit status 1" Error and Solution

The “error command gcc failed with exit status 1” error is a very common error that is mainly related to the GCC compilation and required libraries. This error text is longer than this. The remaining part expresses the specific application name or libraries. In this tutorial, we examine how to find the error cause and … Read more

How To Cat EOF For Multi-Line String In Linux Bash?

How To Cat EOF For Multi-Line String In Linux Bash?

The cat command is used to put given content to the specified output. If the content is a multiline string, text, or script putting it directly from the command line is a bit tedious. the “Here Documents” can be used to put content to the specified file in an interactive way. The cat, EOF, << … Read more

Certbot SSL/TLS Certificate Renew

Certbot SSL/TLS Certificate Renew

Certbot can be used for different SSL/TLS related certificate operations. Certbot provides free SSL/TLS certificates in order to be used with the HTTPS connections. The “certbot renew” command is used to renew existing SSL/TLS certificates. Every SSL/TLS certificate has an end of time. By using the “certbot renew” command the certificate can be renewed which … Read more

“Read-only File System” Error and Solutions

"Read-only File System" Error and Solutions

The “Read-only file system …” is an error that is related to the file system. This error may occur in different situations for different reasons. This error simply expresses that the target file system is mounted as read-only mode and it can not be written or changed. Read-only File System Error Cases There may be … Read more