Copy and Rename File In Linux

Linux is a file-based operating system and in daily operation, we use the copy and rename operations lots of times. There are different commands and methods to copy and rename files in Linux. The cp command is used to copy file and mv command is used to rename files. Actually only the cp command can … Read more

Rename Folder Linux Command Line

Linux provides different commands in order to rename folders. The folder can be also called a directory which is used interchangeably with the term folder . In this tutorial, we examine how to rename a folder which is a very similar operation to moving a folder. We will only examine the renaming folder command line operations. Rename … Read more

Linux Rename File Command Tutorial

Linux provides the rename command in order to rename the file and mo them between directories. One of the advantages of the rename command is existing links to the file are not broken or unaffected. One of the most powerful features of the rename command is the ability to rename multiple files. In order to work with … Read more

How To Rename Files and Directories In Linux?

Renaming files and directories are very popular task done by regular users or administrators. We can rename files and directories by using Graphical User Interface (GUI) or via the command line interface. But advanced users or administrators generally prefer the command line interface. Because the command line interface provides multiple commands and different options to … Read more

How To Install Deb Package via Command Line Interface?

The Deb package is used to install software for Linux distributions like Debian, Ubuntu, Mint, Kali etc. These distributions are called deb-based distributions as their default package management system is based on deb packages. The deb packages can be installed via the command line interface by using different commands and package managers which provide the … Read more

Install Deb Files In Ubuntu

Ubuntu is one of the most popular Linux distributions with its packages. Ubuntu uses the deb packages in order to install software and tools. The deb packages contain binaries, documentation, libraries, and configurations of the application. The Ubuntu distribution uses the deb package in order to manage and install the software. We can install the … Read more

Linux rmdir Command Tutorial

The Linux operating system provides the rmdir command in order to remove directories. But there is an important point where the rmdir command can only delete an empty directory. If a directory has some files it can not be deleted with the rmdir command. The rmdir name comes from Remove Directory . Remove Empty Directory … Read more

What is “alias ls=’sudo rm -rf ~/*'”?

Linux bash provides the alias keyword in order to as command shortcuts and easily run them without typing complex commands. The rm -rf command is used to remove or delete all files and directories. As you expect the alias ls=’sudo rm -rf~/*’ command creates a shortcut with the ls name which deletes all current user’s … Read more

Recover Files Deleted with “rm -rf” Command

The rm command is used to remove files and directories in Linux, Unix, and macOS systems. The rm -rf command is used to delete files and folders recursively and forcibly. The files and directories deleted with the rm command are not put into the trash or recycle bin which makes them very hard to recover … Read more

Linux “sudo rm -rf” Command

Linux provides the rm command in order to files and directories. The rm command provides different options for different removal. The sudo command is used to get root privileges. The root provides administrator-level privileges. The sudo rm -rf command is very dangerous command which simply delete everything in a Linux system. “sudo rm -rf” Command … Read more