How To Install RPM Files In CentOS?

CentOs is a popular operating system which is based on Red Hat. Like RedHat, CentOS uses the rpm package type in order to manage, install, update, and remove packages in an operating system. We can install RPM files by using different commands like rpm, dnf, or yum in the CentOS distribution. In this tutorial, we … Read more

Extract Substring In Bash

Linux bash is used to run complex commands or scripts to accomplish different tasks. Bash is generally used to work with different types of string and string data. One of the most popular operations is extracting substrings using the bash command line interface. In this tutorial, we examine how to extract substring in bash. Extract … Read more

How To Change User ID (uid) In Linux?

Every Linux user has a unique ID in order to distinguish them. These user IDs are used in different areas like permission, log, and kernel-level operations. The regular user ID’s start from 1000 and are incremented with every new user. You may ask if you can change the existing user ID in Linux. The answer … Read more

Restart Linux via Command Line Interface

Linux is a command line-based operating system where all tasks can be completed via the command line interface. We can restart the Linux system via command line interface using different commands and methods. In this tutorial, we examine how to restart Linux via command line interface. Restart Linux with reboot Command The reboot command is … Read more

How To Make A Directory Public In Linux?

Linux provides permissions in order to allow or deny access to a directory. By default, a directory is only accessible by its owner after the directory creation. But sometimes we may want to make a directory public which means everyone can access, read, write and execute the directory content. In this tutorial, we examine how … Read more

How To Make Directory In Linux?

Directories are used to store other directories or files in Linux and other operating systems. Directories can be created in different ways like File Managers, Command Line interfaces,s or applications. We can use the mkdir command in order to make a directory in Linux. The mkdir command can be used to create a single directory, … Read more

Linux Top Command Columns and Explanations

Linux top command provides information about the system resource usage like CPU, memory, user, shared memory, process, etc. The top command provides lots of information that can be confusing in detail. This information is provided as columns for every process. In this tutorial, we examine the top command columns in detail. Top Command Dashboard The … Read more

Check and Sort CPU Usage with Top Command In Linux

Linux top command is used to monitor system resources and usage in an elegant way by using the terminal or command line interface. The top command mainly lists the processes and related resource usage like CPU, Memory, etc. The process CPU usage may provide lots of detailed information like interrupts, cache usage, etc which can … Read more