Delete/Remove File In Linux

Delete/Remove File In Linux

Files can be removed or deleted by using different commands in Linux. The removal of the file deletes related file system information from the file system table. While deleting a file there are different ways like prompt deletion, display verbose output, etc. Delete/Remove File with rm Command The rm command is a defacto command to … Read more

Add A User To A Group In Linux

Add A User To A Group In Linux

In Linux users are associated with the groups. These groups are used to set permissions about files and folders. Users may have single or more groups related to them. The second group is called as secondary group . In this tutorial, we examine how to add a user into a group for different scenarios like … Read more

Bash if..else Statement Tutorial In Linux

Bash if..else Statement Tutorial In Linux

Linux Bash provides the if, if..else , if..elif..else statements in order to execute code according to the specific condition. By using these if statements we can branch the code execution easily. The if statements provide different cases where we examine all of them in this tutorial. if Statement The if statement can be used to … Read more

How To Change Folder and Subfolder Permissions In Linux?

How To Change Folder and Subfolder Permissions In Linux?

Permissions are an important part of Linux security and folders are used with different permissions to protect them. Linux provides read, write and execute permissions by default for files and folders. there are different ways and commands to change folder and subfolder permissions. The defacto command is chmod command which changes the read, write and … Read more

netstat Command Tutorial In Linux with Example

netstat Command Tutorial In Linux with Example

The netstat command is used to display network connections for network protocols like TCP and UDP. The netstat can display routing tables, network interfaces, network protocol statistics, open ports, etc. Both Linux distributions and Windows operating systems provide the netstat command. In this tutorial, we examine different usage examples for the netstat command. netstat Command … Read more

Linux Bash Reading File Tutorial

Linux Bash Reading File Tutorial

Bahs is the most popular shell for Linux distributions and provides different ways and commands to read a file from the command-line interface. Bash can be used to read a file and process it in different ways by using different commands. The file can be a text file or a binary no matter what type … Read more

Shebang #! Tutorial In Linux Bash

Shebang #! Tutorial In Linux Bash

In computing and Linux the shebang is a character sequence that consists of # and ! . Simply the shebang is expressed as “#!”. The shebang is also called sha-bang, hashbang, pound-bang, and hash-pling. The shebang is used to specify an interpreter for script files. Linux is popular with its script files and scripting languages … Read more

How To Install Docker On Ubuntu?

How To Install Docker On Ubuntu?

Docker is a container technology very popular in Linux distributions. The docker provides the ability to run single or more commands and applications in an isolated secure environment like a VM but with few resources. As a popular Linux technology, Ubuntu supports docker containers. There are different ways to install Docker on Ubuntu. But two … Read more

How To Set Proxy For wget Command?

How To Set Proxy For wget Command?

The wget command is a popular command used to download files via the command-line interface. Proxy is used as an intermediate host which redirects HTTP and HTTPS requests to the destination server. In some cases, we may require to set a proxy for the wget command. In this tutorial, we examine how to set a … Read more

How To Create and Run Bash Script?

How To Create and Run Bash Script?

Bash is a Unix and Linux shell and command interface language. The bash was released in 1989 with the GNU project. The Bash became popular with Linux and related distributions like Ubuntu, Debian, CentOS, RHEL, etc. Bash provides a very useful command-line interface with complete scripting language features. Linux commands can be executed via the … Read more